Blog – When is the right time to upgrade your ERP?

When is the right time to upgrade your ERP?

Is the ERP software you are using has become slower or is not working efficiently? Then it’s time for an upgrade. If you are facing issues with your current processes or data, then upgrading your software with up-to-date technology is the best remedy to get your business on track.

Most of the time people delay upgrades because of the inconvenience and high cost but failing to implement new advances can stall your company’s growth. Remember why you implemented ERP software to your business organization —— to manage your operations efficiently. But if it is not updated with the latest advances you may lose out on new modules that can further advance your business. Not upgrading the ERP entails slow movement of operations, frustration arising from system hangs and increased time is taken to perform simple tasks. Instead of spreading up your operations, it will start stalling and the purpose for which you had introduced an ERP system is eradicated. You are back to share one.

You should know when to upgrade your ERP as it will define your company’s growth strategy. Upgrading an ERP solution should be seen as a valuable asset that ensures, you save money over the long term.

Its time to change your ERP when any of the following apply :

1. Version Out Of date :

When you stop getting notifications of updates or find out that the new updates do not support your ERP version then it’s time to switch. While the ERP system may work for you but version being out of date is a sign that it is soon going to be outdated and its support will also decline.

2. Need to find information :

ERP systems are used to prevent data duplications, but in case your company had a merger or the acquisition has left with many versions of ERP and the information is not easily accessible. Then you have to think about upgrading. If it is taking longer for you to organize your data or finding a simple piece of information then it’s a sign.

3. Need to put information more than once:

ERP systems were designed to solve the data entry issue so that you do not have to manually enter the date more than once. However, if there is a situation wherein you have to input information again or start from square one then you need to seriously consider upgrading.

4. Reporting and analytics

Lastly, if you are not satisfied with your reports or analytics functions. That is if you feel your reports are old-fashioned and not as detailed as new ERP solutions. Then you need to upgrade to a solution that offers more comprehensive data analytics.

It is tempting to delay upgrading but you must not forget your goal. To save cost you might end up slowing your business growth. Be wise and make the right choice.